首页> 外文期刊>Geographical Research >Real Institutional Responses to Neoliberalism in Australia

Real Institutional Responses to Neoliberalism in Australia


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The paper defines the state's apparatus as a site of power and contestation. This view enables contingency in the realm of government to be taken seriously. Accordingly, the paper takes a critical view of the idea of neoliberalism as a general global process. The paper reviews Paul du Gay's history of the state's apparatus, including his nostalgia for bureaucracy and his disdain for entrepre-neurship. The paper contrasts du Gay's stylised take with a study of shifts in institutional structures and behaviours in Australia's state apparatus since the mid 1970s leading to the present period of Howard neoliberalism. The paper positions these shifts in the context of Coombs-led institutional reform in Australia; it examines the potential for institutional resistances and responses; and draws implications for how we view institutions as having agency in the political processes of state apparatus reform.
机译:该文件将国家的机构定义为权力和竞争的场所。这种观点使政府领域的偶然性得到认真对待。因此,本文对新自由主义作为一般的全球过程的观点进行了批判性的研究。论文回顾了保罗·杜·盖伊(Paul du Gay)关于国家机构的历史,包括他对官僚主义的怀旧之情和对企业家精神的鄙视。这篇论文将杜·盖伊的风格化研究与自1970年代中期到霍华德新自由主义时期的澳大利亚国家机构的制度结构和行为转变的研究进行了对比。本文将这些转变置于澳大利亚以库姆斯为首的体制改革的背景下。它研究了机构抵抗和回应的可能性;并对我们如何将制度视为在国家机构改革的政治过程中具有代理权产生了启示。



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