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The Importance of the Journal's Reviewers


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In a public letter prominent geographer and editor, Nigel Thrift (2011), observes the growing problem of the reluctance of academics to review submissions for publication in journals. Thrift guesses at three explanations for this reluctance: the proliferation of journals, competing requests from research bodies to review funding applications, and the burden of workload in universities more generally. Thrift's note refers us to an editorial in Environment and Planning D by Stuart Elden (2008). Both Elden and Thrift emphasise the importance of reciprocity to the survival of academic journals: that receiving the benefits of being published in a peer-reviewed journal requires agreement to act as a reviewer. Elden translates this duty into a 'rule' that academics should review three times as many papers as they submit.
机译:著名的地理学家兼编辑奈杰尔·特里夫特(Nigel Thrift,2011年)在公开信中指出,学者不愿审查提交论文以发表在期刊上的问题日益严重。 Thrift猜测这种不情愿的三种解释:期刊的激增,研究机构对资助申请进行审查的相互竞争的请求,以及大学工作量的增加。 Thrift的笔记为我们提供了Stuart Elden(2008)在《环境与规划D》中的社论。 Elden和Thrift都强调互惠对学术期刊生存的重要性:要获得在同行评审期刊上发表论文的好处,就需要同意担任审稿人。埃尔登将这项义务转化为一项“规则”,学者们应审查其论文的三倍。



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