首页> 外文期刊>Geographical Research >The Agency of Dolphins: Towards Inter-species Embassies as Sites of Engagement with 'Significant Otherness'

The Agency of Dolphins: Towards Inter-species Embassies as Sites of Engagement with 'Significant Otherness'


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Cetacean-human interaction, at sites where free-ranging dolphins approach humans, is occurring more than ever before. Management policies and strategies, and their underlying research, intended to protect both dolphins and humans during these interactive events, affect the quality and nature of interactivity. The agency of the dolphins, and its representation in management schemes, is analysed using Critical Discourse Analysis of selected texts from the discourse of Dolphin-Human Interaction Management (DHIM). Analysis suggests a prevailing discourse of protectionism but also reveals the possibility for a new kind of management scheme based upon an acceptance of the 'significant otherness' of non-human species. This can be achieved by means of inter-species etiquette, acknowledging the choices made by non-humans to interact with humans. An inter-species etiquette, coupled with multi-species education (education across species boundaries, designed and delivered so as to enable mutually beneficial interaction), offers those non-human animals widely referred to as 'ambassadors' safe places in which to be encountered. This new form of inter-species interaction space is named an 'embassy'.
机译:在自由放养的海豚接近人类的地方,鲸类与人类的互动比以往任何时候都更加频繁。旨在在这些互动事件中保护海豚和人类的管理政策和策略及其基础研究会影响互动的质量和性质。使用“海豚-人机交互管理”(DHIM)语篇中选定文本的“关键语篇分析”来分析海豚的代理及其在管理计划中的代表。分析表明存在一种保护主义的主流话语,但同时也揭示了一种新的管理方案的可能性,该方案基于对非人类物种的“显着其他性”的接受。这可以通过种间礼节来实现,要承认非人类与人类互动所做出的选择。一种种间礼节,再加上多种种教育(设计和实施跨物种边界的教育,以实现互惠互利的互动),为那些非人类动物提供了被广泛称为“大使”的安全场所。 。种间互动空间的这种新形式被称为“大使馆”。



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