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Participatory Budgeting and Transformative Development in Brazil


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In a context of democratic openness and strong demands for a more equitable distribution of public resources, PB was implemented for the first time around thirty years ago in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The local democratic innovations linked to such experiences have crossed national borders and reached different social, economic and political contexts. Currently, it is estimated that there are more than 3000 PBs around the world. However, almost three decades after PBs were first set up, to what extent has this participatory practice contributed to the establishment of a counter-hegemonic model of urban governance? Has it somehow upheld the right to the city? Focusing on a paradigmatic experience, the PB of Belo Horizonte (Brazil) - one of the most enduring and on two occasions honoured as best practice by the UN-Habitat -, we intend to answer these questions and discuss the recognition of PB as a model for urban governance within a general context of neoliberal politics. PB's capability to foster a move beyond capitalism must be reassessed.
机译:在民主开放和强烈要求更公平分配公共资源的背景下,PB于30年前在巴西的阿雷格里港首次实施。与这些经验有关的地方民主创新已经跨越国界,并达到了不同的社会,经济和政治环境。当前,估计全世界有超过3000 PB。但是,在首次建立PB的将近三十年之后,这种参与性实践在多大程度上有助于建立反霸权的城市治理模型?它以某种方式维护了城市的权利吗?贝洛奥里藏特(巴西)的PB代表范例经验,它是经久不衰的人居署,两次被联合国人居署评为最佳实践,我们打算回答这些问题,并讨论将PB视为榜样在新自由主义政治的一般背景下进行城市治理。必须重新评估PB超越资本主义的能力。



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