首页> 外文期刊>Geoforum >Africana womanism as an extension of feminism in political ecology (of health) research

Africana womanism as an extension of feminism in political ecology (of health) research


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A feminist perspective within political ecology and political ecology of health considers gender dynamics in the use of environmental resources, labor division, and health inequalities. However, a feminist perspective may not adequately engender the perspectives of Africana women as many embrace their roles of the nurturer, protector and provider of their families. Africana womanism, an African theoretical perspective that is family-centered and focuses on women's concerns only after the community's needs are met, provides a different lens by which to conduct research in sub-Saharan Africa. However, in today's (post-colonial) reality, Africana womanism cannot remain isolated. This forum paper focuses on the importance of including Africana womanist perspectives in political ecology and political ecology of health research by integrating African feminism and Black feminism, which are grounded in the multiple oppressions that Africana women historically and currently face. These multiple perspectives from Africana women will enable a better understanding of gender dynamics in subSaharan Africa and will enable Africana womanism to be used as an extension of feminism to account for a uniquely Africana perspective in future political ecology and political ecology of health research.



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