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Der Baum als Vorbild für die Technik


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As is well known, evolution is a matter of the survival of the fittest. Not surprisingly, this applies not only to species but also to individual biological structures and thus to the mechanisms that enable them to react to influences. The most important mechanism with regard to biological load-bearing structures, such as bones or trees, consists of adaptive growth. The structures in question possess receptors that are capable of registering local concentrations of tension and triggering repair growth in response. For example, when a tree registers an increase in load, it reacts by forming thicker rings to counter the danger of breakage. This observation was first made by the German forester G. Met-zger in 1893, who formulated the axiom of constant tension as an explanation of why trees get thinner towards the top: the answer is that less stresses have to be compensated for, thus requiring less circumferential growth. In other words, trees are like open books: their shape and forms reveal repair strategies and thus provide us information on the onetime or current existence of defects. It is on the basis of this knowledge that the Karlsruhe Research Centre has developed a computer-based method for assessing the hazard potential of trees. Moreover, the adaptive mechanisms used by trees can act as a model for simulating adaptive growth as a way of optimising mechanical engineering parts.%Bäume können sich an veränderte Bedingungen anpassen. Dem Prinzip dieser ständigen Selbstoptimierung widmet sich das Institut für Technik und Umwelt am Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Dort wurde ein Computersimulationsprogramm entwickelt, das es erlaubt, Bauprinzipien der Natur auf technische Systeme zu übertragen.
机译:众所周知,进化是适者生存的问题。毫不奇怪,这不仅适用于物种,而且适用于单个生物结构,因此也适用于使它们对影响做出反应的机制。关于生物承载结构(例如骨骼或树木)的最重要机制是适应性生长。所讨论的结构具有能够记录局部张力浓度并在响应中触发修复生长的受体。例如,当一棵树的负荷增加时,它会通过形成较粗的环来做出反应,以抵抗断裂的危险。这种观察最早是由德国森林学家G. Met-zger于1893年做出的,他提出了恒定张力的公理来解释为什么树木向顶部变细的原因:答案是必须补偿的压力较小,因此需要圆周生长较少。换句话说,树木就像一本打开的书:它们的形状和形式揭示了修复策略,从而为我们提供了曾经或当前存在缺陷的信息。基于此知识,卡尔斯鲁厄研究中心开发了一种基于计算机的方法来评估树木的潜在危害。此外,树木使用的适应性机制可以作为模拟适应性增长的模型,作为优化机械工程零件的一种方式。%Bäumekönnensich anveränderteBedingungen anpassen。德姆·普林兹普(Dem Prinzip)啤酒厂的技术人员和技术人员在卡尔斯鲁厄(Forschungszentrum)的乌姆维尔特(Umwelt)分校。多特尔·沃德·埃因计算机仿真技术大学,计算机科学与工程学系,Bauprinzipien der Natur auf technische Systeme zuübertragen。



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