首页> 外文期刊>Fuzzy sets and systems >Spectrum of prime L-fuzzy h-ideals of a hemiring

Spectrum of prime L-fuzzy h-ideals of a hemiring


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We redefine the concept of prime fuzzy h-ideals of a hemiring so that the fuzzy h-ideals are not necessarily 2-valued. We also introduce the concept of semiprime fuzzy h-ideals. A topological space, called the spectrum of prime fuzzy h-ideals of a commutative hemiring with unity, has been obtained. This topological space is compact and preserves isomorphisms between hemirings. The correspondence associating a hemiring with its spectrum of prime fuzzy h-ideals is shown to define a contravariant functor from the category of commutative hemirings with unity into the category of compact topological spaces. The spectrum of (crisp) prime h-ideals of the hemiring is a subspace which is dense in the spectrum of prime fuzzy h-ideals. Valuation lattices for all the fuzzy sets in the paper are assumed to be complete Heyting algebras.
机译:我们重新定义了hemiring的主要模糊h理想的概念,以便模糊h理想不一定是2值的。我们还介绍了半素模糊h理想的概念。得到了一个拓扑空间,称为具有可交换性的Hemiring的本征模糊h理想的谱。这个拓扑空间很紧凑,并且在Hemiring之间保持同构。显示了将hemiring与它的本征模糊h-ideals光谱相关联的对应关系,定义了一个从可交换hemirings统一的类到紧凑拓扑空间类的逆变函子。 hemiring的(清晰)素数h理想的谱是在素数模糊h理想的谱中密集的子空间。本文中所有模糊集的评估格均假定为完整的Heyting代数。



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