
The Bio-Bio Project


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The words 'biodiversity' and 'bio-indication' carry complex meanings that are often intricate and not always understandable to the average citizen. The elaborate and diverse media-world of television, newspapers, magazines and scientific journals often speak of biodiversity, a new science and word that was coined twenty five years ago on the wishes of Jimmy Carter, the then President of the United States of America. Since the Rio Conference of 1992, discussions on biodiversity are an obligation in several sectors. In many cases, it is not possible to write an article on the state of the environment without introducing this magical word. Perhaps it is a word that is used too easily or without knowing its exact meaning. Certainly, not enough effort is made to safeguard and protect the biodiversity of our world as day after day, the number of species on the planet diminishes like spring snow when exposed to the sun.
机译:“生物多样性”和“生物指示”这两个词具有复杂的含义,这些含义通常是错综复杂的,对于普通公民而言并非总是可以理解。电视,报纸,杂志和科学杂志在复杂多样的媒体世界中经常谈到生物多样性,这是二十五年前美国时任总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)的愿望创造的一种新科学和词汇。自1992年里约热内卢会议以来,关于生物多样性的讨论是几个部门的一项义务。在许多情况下,如果不引入这个神奇的词,就不可能撰写有关环境状态的文章。也许这个词太容易使用或不知道其确切含义。当然,随着日复一日,保护和保护我们世界的生物多样性的努力还不够,当暴露在阳光下时,地球上的物种数量像春雪一样减少。



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