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The Great Fund Failure


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Frank holmes is a conflicted man. he is the majority owner and chief executive of U.S. Global, a San Antonio, Tex. firm that offers mutual funds to the public. He also is a director of each nominally independent fund; that means he is supposed to act on investors' behalf and hold down the management fees that get paid to his own company. His dozen funds have, as a group, put in a mediocre performance over the past five years while charging 2.5% in fees―nearly double the industry average, the Morningstar ratings service says. At the same time, U.S. Global runs in-house accounts for its own benefit. Who gets the best stock picks? Holmes insists there are "written procedures" to make sure fund investors get a fair shake. The procedures are not disclosed. You have to trust him.
机译:弗兰克·福尔摩斯是一个有矛盾的人。他是德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市公司(U.S. Global)的大股东兼首席执行官,该公司是一家向公众提供共同基金的公司。他还是每个名义独立基金的董事;这意味着他应该代表投资者行事,并压低付给自己公司的管理费。晨星(Morningstar)评级服务机构表示,在过去五年中,他的十几支基金整体表现平平,但收取的费用为2.5%,几乎是行业平均水平的两倍。同时,U.S。Global为自己的利益运营内部帐户。谁获得最佳股票精选?福尔摩斯坚称要有“书面程序”,以确保基金投资者能得到公平的对待。该过程未公开。你必须相信他。



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