首页> 外文期刊>Food Chemistry >Oxygen permeation through an oil-encapsulating glassy food matrix studied by ESR line broadening using a nitroxyl spin probe

Oxygen permeation through an oil-encapsulating glassy food matrix studied by ESR line broadening using a nitroxyl spin probe


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A non-invasive method based on the broadening of electron spin resonance (ESR) lines in the presence of oxygen (oximetry) has been developed to determine the rate of permeation of oxygen from head space into oil, encapsulated in a glassy matrix (a food model made from sucrose, maltodextrin and gelatine by freeze-drying). The lipophilic nitroxide 16-doxylstearic acid, l6-DSA, was used as a spin-probe, and it was found to be concentrated mainly in the oil phase in the glassy matrix. The concentrations of oxygen in the freshly made glasses were found to be similar to the concentration in atmospheric air, and the process of freeze-drying is apparently not able to remove oxygen before the glassy system solidifies. Storing the oil-encapsulating glasses under oxygen increased the oxygen concentration inside the matrices, and the rate of permeation was found to increase with temperature. A kinetic model for the oxygen permeation was established, based on the rate data obtained up to full saturation of the oil with oxygen below the glass transition temperature (T_g=65 deg C ), and on data for partial oxygen saturation above the glass transition temperature. The kinetic model includes a temperature independent master curve and a1lows for structural heterogeneity. The energy of activation for oxygen permeation was found to be 74±6 kJ/mol for the glassy matrix, and the large value is in favour of the molecular model for oxygen diffusion rather than the free volume model, and accords with the zeroth-order kinetics for oxidation of lipids encapsulated in a glassy matrix, which has previously been observed to be associated with oxygen permeation as the rate-determining step.
机译:已经开发出了一种基于氧气存在下电子自旋共振(ESR)谱线增宽的非侵入性方法(血氧测定法),以确定氧气从顶部空间渗透到油中的速率,该速率封装在玻璃状基质中(食品由蔗糖,麦芽糊精和明胶冻干制成的模型)。亲脂性的氮氧化物16-二羟硬脂酸16-DSA被用作旋转探针,发现它主要集中在玻璃状基质的油相中。发现新鲜制得的玻璃中的氧气浓度与大气中的氧气浓度相似,并且冷冻干燥过程显然无法在玻璃态系统固化之前除去氧气。将密封油的玻璃保存在氧气中会增加基质内部的氧气浓度,并且发现渗透速率会随温度的升高而增加。基于在玻璃化转变温度(T_g = 65℃)以下直至氧气完全充满油的速率数据以及玻璃化转变温度以上的部分氧饱和度数据,建立了氧渗透的动力学模型。动力学模型包括温度无关的主曲线和结构异质性的最低值。对于玻璃状基质,发现氧渗透的活化能为74±6 kJ / mol,较大的值有利于氧扩散的分子模型而不是自由体积模型,并且与零级一致包裹在玻璃状基质中的脂质氧化的动力学,之前已被观察到与氧的渗透有关,这是决定速率的步骤。



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