首页> 外文期刊>Fish Physiology and Biochemistry >Digestive efficiency, free amino acid pools and quality of growth performance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) affected by light regimes and vaccine types

Digestive efficiency, free amino acid pools and quality of growth performance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) affected by light regimes and vaccine types

机译:受光照方案和疫苗类型影响的大西洋鲑(Salmo salar L.)的消化效率,游离氨基酸库和生长性能的质量

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This study comprised the results of three different seawater trials using unique combination of techniques to study protease digestive efficiency and growth performance quality to illustrate the effects of light regimes and vaccine types in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Fish with higher growth had higher trypsin (T) and chymotrypsin (C) specific activities with higher T/C ratio or slope T/C ratio [calculated from the regression between trypsin (y) and chymotrypsin (x) specific activities] in the pyloric caeca. The T/C ratios indicated fish growth rates over a period of 1–2 months, while the slope T/C ratios indicated fish growth rates at sampling. Adaptation period for adjustment to the new environment of continuous light was 70 days, indicated by the differences in trypsin specific activities and the crossing of slope T/C ratio regressions following with the changes in growth rate directions between the control and the treated group. Vaccine types affected fish vertebral growth, and additional continuous light enhanced the impact of vaccines on fish growth during springtime, indicated by differences in slope T/C ratios. Continuous light stimulated fish growth during winter to spring, when the natural day length was short, without significantly changing white muscle and oocyte qualities in the fish of about 500 g, except for significantly increased white muscle RNA concentration. Continuous light also reduced fish growth rate later during summer, when the natural day length was long, by precedently decreasing the T/C ratio in late spring. Interestingly, plasma levels of free lysine related to tryptic digestion were correlated with trypsin specific activity levels. Continuous light caused higher levels of most free amino acids (FAA) involved in nitrogen metabolism, higher incorporation of essential FAA for protein synthesis, and higher protein turnover rate (free hydroxyproline levels) in both plasma and white muscle. However, continuous light did not affect higher protein content, intracellular buffering capacity and RNA levels in the white muscle of the fish of about 1 kg, probably due to limitation of FAA available for protein synthesis. It is therefore suggested that enhancing fish growth by continuous light stimulation should be accompanied by increasing availability or content of dietary protein (and probably minerals), which in turn would improve the quality of fish growth performance through increasing fillet protein concentration, strengthening vertebral growth, and delaying oocyte development.
机译:这项研究包括三个不同海水试验的结果,这些试验使用了独特的技术组合来研究蛋白酶的消化效率和生长性能质量,以说明光照方案和疫苗类型对大西洋鲑(Salmo salar L.)的影响。生长较高的鱼幽门螺杆菌具有较高的胰蛋白酶(T)和胰凝乳蛋白酶(C)比活,T / C比或斜率T / C比较高(根据胰蛋白酶(y)和胰凝乳蛋白酶(x)比活的回归计算)凯撒。 T / C比表示1-2个月内的鱼类生长率,而T / C斜率表示采样时的鱼类生长率。对照和治疗组之间随着生长方向的变化,胰蛋白酶比活的差异和斜率T / C比回归的交叉表明适应新的连续光照环境的适应期为70天。疫苗类型影响鱼的椎骨生长,并且附加的连续光照增强了春季疫苗对鱼的生长的影响,这由斜率T / C比值的差异表明。连续光照刺激了冬季至春季的自然生长时间短的冬季至春季,除了显着增加白肌RNA浓度外,没有显着改变约500 g的鱼类中白肌肉和卵母细胞的质量。连续光照还可以通过提前降低春季晚些时候的T / C比率来降低夏季晚些时候的鱼的生长速度,因为自然日长。有趣的是,与胰蛋白酶消化有关的游离赖氨酸血浆水平与胰蛋白酶比活度水平相关。持续的光照导致参与氮代谢的大多数游离氨基酸(FAA)含量更高,蛋白质合成所必需的FAA含量更高,血浆和白肌中的蛋白质更新率(游离羟脯氨酸水平)更高。但是,连续光照不会影响鱼白肌肉中约1 kg的蛋白质含量,细胞内缓冲能力和RNA水平,这可能是由于FAA可用于蛋白质合成的限制。因此,建议通过持续的光刺激促进鱼类生长,同时增加日粮蛋白质(可能还有矿物质)的利用率或含量,这反过来将通过增加鱼片蛋白质浓度,加强椎骨生长来提高鱼类生长性能,和延迟卵母细胞的发育。



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