首页> 外文期刊>Fabric Architecture >The 21st Century's smartest fabrics

The 21st Century's smartest fabrics


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Marie O'Mahony's essay about "smart fabrics" in the design and architecture section of Techno textiles 2: Revolutionary fabrics for fashion and design offers examples of innovative tensile and air-supported structures from around the world and talks about specialist fabrics like the ETFE (ethylene tetrafluroethylene) system used by Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners for the biome greenhouses of the Eden Project in Cornwall, England. But missing is any emphasis upon the potential of the fabric medium to multi-task and not only provide shelter and shade, but to actually become an energy source. Photovoltaic (PV) technologies utilizing thin films or coatings applied to fabrics that convert light energy into electrical energy have tremendous potential. By harnessing the earth's most sustainable energy source—the sun—the smartest fabrics of the 21st century will reduce our reliance upon carbon-based fuels.
机译:Marie O'Mahony在Techno纺织品2的设计和建筑部分中有关“智能织物”的文章:用于时尚和设计的革命性织物提供了来自世界各地的创新拉伸和空气支撑结构的示例,并讨论了ETFE等专业织物( Nicholas Grimshaw及其合作伙伴在英国康沃尔郡的伊甸园项目的生物群落温室中使用的乙烯四氟乙烯系统。但是,缺少任何对织物介质进行多任务处理的潜力的重视,不仅可以提供遮蔽和遮荫,还可以成为一种能源。利用薄膜或涂层的织物将光能转化为电能的光伏(PV)技术具有巨大的潜力。通过利用地球上最可持续的能源-太阳,21世纪最聪明的面料将减少我们对碳基燃料的依赖。



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