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Dominance network analysis of economic efficiency


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This paper proposes an enhanced Dominance Network (DN) to assess the technical, economic and allocative efficiency of a set of Decision Making Units (DMUs). In a DN, the nodes represent DMUs and the arcs correspond to dominance relationships between them. Two types of dominance relationship are considered: technical and economic. The length of a technical dominance arc between two nodes is a weighted measure of the input and output differences between the two DMUs. The length of an economic dominance arc between two nodes corresponds to the cost, revenue or profit difference between them (depending on whether only unit input prices, unit output prices or both are known). The proposed dominance network is a multiplex network with two relations; the structure of both relations is similar. Thus, both of them are layered and their arcs have transitivity and additivity properties. However, since technical dominance implies economic dominance but not the reverse, economic dominance is more common and has a deeper structure. It may also have an underlying potential field so that the length of the arcs between any two nodes depends on the difference in their potentials and the direction of the arcs depends on the sign of that difference. Allocative inefficiencies can also be gauged on this DN. Complex network measures can be used to characterize and study this type of DN. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文提出了一种增强的优势网络(DN),以评估一组决策单位(DMU)的技术,经济和分配效率。在DN中,节点代表DMU,而弧对应于它们之间的优势关系。考虑两种类型的主导关系:技术和经济关系。两个节点之间的技术优势弧的长度是两个DMU之间输入和输出差异的加权度量。两个节点之间的经济优势弧的长度对应于它们之间的成本,收入或利润差异(取决于是否仅知道单位投入价格,单位产出价格或两者均已知)。所提出的优势网络是具有两个关系的多路复用网络。两种关系的结构相似。因此,它们两者都是分层的,并且它们的弧具有传递性和可加性。但是,由于技术优势意味着经济优势而不是经济优势,因此经济优势更为普遍并且结构更深。它也可能具有潜在的势场,因此任何两个节点之间的弧长取决于其电位差,而弧的方向则取决于该差的符号。分配效率低下也可以在此DN上进行衡量。可以使用复杂的网络措施来表征和研究此类DN。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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