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The left visual-field advantage in rapid visual presentation is amplified rather than reduced by posterior-parietal rTMS


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In the present task, series of visual stimuli are rapidly presented left and right, containing two target stimuli, T1 and T2. In previous studies, T2 was better identified in the left than in the right visual field. This advantage of the left visual field might reflect dominance exerted by the right over the left hemisphere. If so, then repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to the right parietal cortex might release the left hemisphere from right-hemispheric control, thereby improving T2 identification in the right visual field. Alternatively or additionally, the asymmetry in T2 identification might reflect capacity limitations of the left hemisphere, which might be aggravated by rTMS to the left parietal cortex. Therefore, rTMS pulses were applied during each trial, beginning simultaneously with T1 presentation. rTMS was directed either to P4 or to P3 (right or left parietal cortex) either as effective or as sham stimulation. In two experiments, either one of these two factors, hemisphere and effectiveness of rTMS, was varied within or between participants. Again, T2 was much better identified in the left than in the right visual field. This advantage of the left visual field was indeed modified by rTMS, being further increased by rTMS to the left hemisphere rather than being reduced by rTMS to the right. It may be concluded that superiority of the right hemisphere in this task implies that this hemisphere is less irritable by external interference than the left hemisphere.
机译:在本任务中,一系列视觉刺激迅速地向左和向右呈现,其中包含两个目标刺激T1和T2。在以前的研究中,在左侧视野中比在右侧视野中更好地识别了T2。左视野的这种优势可能反映了右半球在右半球所施加的优势。如果是这样,那么对右顶叶皮层的反复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)可能会使左半球脱离右半球控制,从而改善右视野中的T2识别。替代地或附加地,T2识别中的不对称性可能反映了左半球的容量限制,rTMS可能会加重左顶皮质。因此,在每次试验期间都应使用rTMS脉冲,与T1演示同时开始。将rTMS定向为P4或P3(右侧或左侧顶叶皮层)作为有效刺激或伪刺激。在两个实验中,参与者内部或参与者之间,rTMS的半球和有效性这两个因素中的任何一个都发生了变化。同样,在左侧视野中比在右侧视野中更好地识别了T2。 rTMS确实改善了左视野的这种优势,rTMS向左半球进一步增强了该视野,而不是由rTMS向右降低了视野。可以得出结论,右半球在这项任务中的优势意味着该半球比左半球更不受外界干扰的刺激。



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