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Deconstructing evidence-based practice: Progress and ambiguities


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Since the 1960s, professional evaluation has aimed to apply scientific research methods to develop evidence-based practices or programs (EBPs). The term "evidence-based" has gained traction in a number of primary disciplines ranging from health care to education to law enforcement. Most recently, federal, state, and local governments have begun to increase their mandates for the use of EBPs (Hawai'i State Center for Nursing, 2013; Minnesota Department of Corrections, 2011; Office of the President of the United States, 2014a, 2014b; Reickmann, Kovas, Cassidy, & McCarty, 2011; United States Office of Management and Budget, 2013). Such mandates may require recipients of funding to spend a stated portion of their funds on EBPs (e.g., Office of Adolescent Health/Mathematica Policy Research, 2014). A policy memorandum from the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directs federal agencies to use "credible" evidence in the formulation of budget proposals and performance plans. OMB further encourages funding of programs that are backed by strong evidence of effectiveness (United States Office of Management and Budget, 2013). However, exactly what constitutes credible evidence continues to be debated (Donaldson, Christie, & Mark, 2009; Sackett, Rosenberg, Gray, Haynes, & Richardson, 1996).
机译:自1960年代以来,专业评估旨在应用科学研究方法来开发基于证据的实践或程序(EBP)。从医疗保健到教育再到执法,许多基础学科都采用了“循证医学”一词。最近,联邦,州和地方政府已开始增加使用EBP的授权(夏威夷州护理中心,2013年;明尼苏达州矫正局,2011年;美国总统办公室,2014a, 2014b; Reickmann,Kovas,Cassidy和McCarty,2011;美国管理和预算局,2013)。此类授权可能会要求资金接受者将其部分资金用于EBP(例如,青少年健康办公室/ Mathematica Policy Research,2014年)。美国管理和预算局(OMB)的政策备忘录指示联邦机构在制定预算提案和绩效计划时使用“可信的”证据。 OMB进一步鼓励以强有力的有效性证据为后盾的计划提供资金(美国管理和预算局,2013年)。然而,到底什么才是可靠的证据仍在争论中(唐纳森,克里斯蒂和马克,2009年;萨克特,罗森伯格,格雷,海恩斯和理查森,1996年)。



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