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Nuclear left out in the cold


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Nuclear energy is the most prominent low carbon energy technology not on the agenda in the energy-climate package presented by the European Commission on 23 January. Despite the obvious contribution that nuclear energy can make to the goals of increasing energy security of supply, combating climate change and remaining competitive, no special provision will be made in terms of burden-sharing and the renewables targets. The publication of the Commission's renewables targets indicates that this demand has not been taken up. Energy Commis-rnsioner Andris Piebalgs has often made clear that nuclear is not renewable. The sole new mitigating factor in the Commission's methodology, based on GDP per capita and a fixed percentage increase, for calculating the proportion of renewables in the energy mix is the effort by so-called 'early starters'. Despite the continuing cold showers, France, probably to be joined by a newly pro-nuclear UK, still appears to be maintaining that the real objective remains inore that of a low carbon future than one fuelled by renewable energies.
机译:核能是欧洲委员会1月23日提出的能源气候一揽子计划中没有提到的最突出的低碳能源技术。尽管核能可以为提高供应的能源安全,应对气候变化和保持竞争力提供明显的帮助,但在负担分担和可再生能源目标方面将没有特别的规定。委员会公布的可再生能源目标表明,这一需求尚未得到满足。能源委员会的安德里斯·皮耶巴尔格斯(Andris Piebalgs)经常明确表示核能不可再生。欧盟委员会基于人均GDP和固定百分比增长来计算可再生能源在能源结构中所占比例的方法中唯一的新缓解因素是所谓的“早期启动者”所做的努力。尽管持续有阵雨,法国(可能会加入一个新的亲核国家)似乎仍然坚持认为,真正的目标仍然是低碳未来的目标,而不是可再生能源所推动的目标。



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