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Study: Lorries Do Not Pay Enough


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A few days away from the scheduled 21 January vote in the European Parliament's Transport Committee on the proposal for the Eurovignette Directive, environmentalists are sharpening their weapons and releasing new data on pollution and congestion resulting from heavy goods vehicles in Europe. This has obviously not happened by chance, while member states and MEPs are divided on the inclusion of external costs in the tolls to be paid by road hauliers.rnThe new study, carried out by the Dutch consultants CE Delft, was ordered by the organisation Transport & Environment (T&E). It shows that CO_2 emissions given off by lorries would increase by 54% by 2030, that heavy goods lorries would be responsible for 20% of traffic jams in Europe and that the noise generated by lorries would be responsible for thousands of heart diseases each year. T&E there-rnfore calls for all external costs generated by lorries to be taken into account in the proposal for a revision of the directive.
机译:距1月21日在欧洲议会运输委员会中就“欧洲vignette指令”提案的投票进行投票的几天后,环保主义者正在加强武器,并发布有关欧洲重型货车造成的污染和拥堵的新数据。显然,这并非偶然,因为成员国和欧洲议会议员在将外部费用包括在公路运输者支付的通行费上存在分歧。rn荷兰顾问CE Delft进行的这项新研究是由运输组织下令进行的。与环境(T&E)。它表明,到2030年,卡车释放的CO_2排放量将增加54%,重型卡车将导致欧洲20%的交通堵塞,而卡车产生的噪音每年将导致数千种心脏病。因此,T&E要求在修订指令的建议中考虑卡车产生的所有外部成本。



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