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Hillary Clinton Puts Energy Security High On Transatlantic Agenda

机译:希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)将能源安全放在跨大西洋议程上

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As EU anxiety over the security of its imported gas mounts in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine dispute, the next US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has said this matter will be a priority in her dealings with Europe. "We need a broader framework to talk about energy security" with the EU and Russia, Clinton told US senators in Washington, on 13 January, at her confirmation hearing. She plans to have the issue discussed during her initial visits to Europe as secretary of state -both with EU foreign ministers and at the NATO summit, in April.rn"It is a significant security challenge that we ignore at our peril," she said, responding to concerns raised by Republican senators about the growing influence Russia is having on Europe due to its control of energy supplies. Clinton announced she would create an energy security coordinator within the State Department to work with Europe to try to make it less vulnerable to interrup-rntions in energy supply. Richard Lugar, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, accused Europe of having mishandled the issue, saying "we are more worried about their energy problems than they are". He asked Clinton if she supported invoking Article 5 of the NATO Charter -which says an attack on one member is an attack on all - should countries cut off supplies. Clinton was non-committal, saying it "may or not be" the solution.
机译:由于欧盟在正在进行的俄罗斯与乌克兰的争端中对其进口天然气的安全性感到担忧,下一任美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿表示,此事将是她与欧洲打交道的优先事项。克林顿于1月13日在华盛顿的确认听证会上对美国参议员说:“我们需要与欧盟和俄罗斯讨论能源安全的更广泛框架。”她计划在国务卿首次访问欧洲期间与欧盟外长以及在4月的北约峰会上讨论这个问题。“这是一个重大的安全挑战,我们要自担风险,”她说,回应共和党参议员提出的担忧,即俄罗斯由于控制能源供应而对欧洲产生越来越大的影响。克林顿宣布,她将在国务院内部建立一个能源安全协调员,与欧洲合作,努力使其免受能源供应中断的影响。参议院外交关系委员会最高的共和党人理查德·卢格(Richard Lugar)指责欧洲对这一问题的处理不当,他说:“我们比他们更担心他们的能源问题”。他问克林顿,她是否支持援引《北约宪章》第5条(该条说对一个成员的袭击就是对所有人的袭击),如果国家切断供应,该禁令就可以了。克林顿不置可否,称其“可能或不是”解决方案。



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