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EP rejects watered-down Eickhout report


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Meeting in plenary, on 5 July, the European Parliament rejected, as recommended by rapporteur Bas Eickhout (Greens-EFA, Netherlands), an own-initiative report on the European Commission's communication on 'Analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emission reductions and assessing the risk of carbon leakage'. The third paragraph of the resolution, as drafted by the rapporteur, calls for the Commission to "come forward, as soon as possible and before the end of 2011, with proposals to achieve a 25% internal greenhouse gas reduction by 2020 consistent with a cost-effective pathway to the 2050 objective as outlined in the 2050 road map, and to move to a 30% overall target for 2020". This wording confirmed the EP's 2010 position and supported the Commission's position of moving towards a 25% cut by 2020.
机译:7月5日,在全体会议上,欧洲议会根据报告员巴斯·埃克豪特(Bas Eickhout)的建议,拒绝了欧洲委员会关于“分析超过20%温室气体排放的备选方案的分析”的函件的主动报告。减少和评估碳泄漏的风险”。由报告员起草的决议第三段呼吁委员会“在2011年底之前尽快提出建议,提出到2020年将内部温室气体减少25%的建议,这与成本成正比。 2050年路线图概述的实现2050年目标的有效途径,并实现2020年达到30%的总体目标”。该措辞印证了欧洲议会在2010年的立场,并支持欧盟委员会的立场,即到2020年削减25%。



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