首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Psychology of Education >The role of goal-related autonomous motivation, effort and progress in the transition to university

The role of goal-related autonomous motivation, effort and progress in the transition to university


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This study investigated the extent to which autonomous motivation, effort and progress relating to current educational goals predict success in dealing with the challenging transition to university. Our study included two measurement points: (1) before the entrance examination, at which point participants (n = 280) documented ratings of their autonomous motivation, effort and progress regarding their educational goals; and (2) after receiving the results of the examination, at which time their success or failure of passing the entrance examination was checked by referring to the university archives. The results of the path model showed that when young adults pursued their educational goals for autonomous reasons, they invested special effort in their goal, and this led to a high level of goal progress. Goal progress, in turn, predicted their successfully passing the university's entrance examination.
机译:这项研究调查了与当前教育目标相关的自主动机,努力和进步在多大程度上预测了应对充满挑战的向大学过渡的成功。我们的研究包括两个测量点:(1)入学考试之前,参与者(n = 280)记录了他们关于教育目标的自主动机,努力和进步的等级; (2)收到考试结果后,参照大学档案资料对他们通过入学考试的成败进行检查。路径模型的结果表明,当年轻人出于自主原因而追求自己的教育目标时,他们会在目标上投入特殊的精力,这导致了目标水平的高度提高。目标的进步反过来预示着他们将成功通过大学的入学考试。



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