首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Psychology of Education >Hearing mothers and oral deaf children: an atypical relational context for theory of mind

Hearing mothers and oral deaf children: an atypical relational context for theory of mind


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The study assessed Theory of Mind (ToM) abilities in a group of oral deaf children and in their hearing mothers using a battery of ToM tasks. It also investigated the connection between mother and child in ToM performance. Participants were: 17 oral deaf children (aged 5 to 14 years) were paired by gender, age, and mental age with 17 hearing children; 17 hearing mothers of deaf children and 17 hearing mothers of hearing children. Compared to the hearing children, the deaf children faced difficulties in all ToM tests, and the hearing mothers of the deaf children were less capable than the mothers of the hearing children in all the ToM tests. Further, a specific ToM interaction model was found between the hearing mothers and the deaf children. The results confirmed ToM poor performance faced by the oral deaf children, showed the ToM level of hearing mothers of deaf children, and the ToM style of hearing mothers–deaf children dyads. Also, findings underline some educational implications related to the socio-relational origin of the ToM deficit in oral deaf children.
机译:该研究使用一组ToM任务评估了一组口聋儿童及其听力母亲的心理理论(ToM)能力。它还调查了ToM表现中母亲与孩子之间的联系。参加者为:17例聋哑儿童(5至14岁)按性别,年龄和精神年龄配对,并与17名听力正常的儿童配对; 17名聋哑儿童的听力母亲和17名聋哑儿童的听力母亲。与听力正常的儿童相比,聋哑儿童在所有的ToM测试中都面临困难,在所有的ToM测试中,聋哑儿童的听力母亲的能力都比听力正常的母亲低。此外,在听力正常的母亲和聋儿之间发现了一个特定的ToM交互模型。结果证实了口腔聋儿童面对的ToM表现较差,显示了聋儿听力母亲的ToM水平,以及聋儿双耳听力的ToM风格。同样,研究结果强调了与口腔聋儿童ToM缺乏症的社会关系起源有关的一些教育意义。



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