首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Plant Pathology >Lack of biocontrol capacity in a non-pathogenic mutant of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis

Lack of biocontrol capacity in a non-pathogenic mutant of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis

机译:尖孢镰刀菌的非致病性突变体缺乏生防能力。 sp。瓜类

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The aim of this study was to assess the biocontrol capacity of rev157, a non-pathogenic mutant of a pathogenic strain of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis (Fom24). Inoculated in association with the virulent parental strain, the mutant rev157 did not protect the host plant (muskmelon) against infection by Fom24. Applied on flax, a non-host plant, the mutant rev157 was not able to protect it against its specific pathogen F. oxysporum f. sp. lini. On the contrary the parental strain Fom24 did protect flax as well as a soil-borne biocontrol strain (Fo47). Since the mutant rev157 was affected neither in its growth in vitro nor in its capacity to penetrate into the roots, it can be speculated that the mutation has affected traits responsible for interactions within the plant. In F. oxysporum the pair of strains Fom24/rev157 is a good candidate to identify genes involved in the biocontrol capacity of F. oxysporum and to test the hypothesis of a link between capacity to induce the disease and capacity to induce resistance in the plant.
机译:本研究的目的是评估rev157的生物防治能力,rev157是一种氧化镰刀菌病原性菌株的非致病突变体。 sp。瓜(Fom24)。与有毒的亲本菌株一起接种后,突变体rev157不能保护宿主植物(甜瓜)免受Fom24的感染。突变体rev157应用于亚麻(一种非寄主植物)后,无法对其特异的病原体F. oxysporum f。进行保护。 sp。莉妮。相反,亲本菌株Fom24确实保护了亚麻以及土传生物防治菌株(Fo47)。由于突变体rev157既不受体外生长的影响,也没有渗透至根部的能力,因此可以推测该突变已影响了负责植物内部相互作用的性状。在葡萄孢中,该对菌株Fom24 / rev157是鉴定涉及葡萄孢的生物防治能力的基因的好候选者,并用于检验诱导该疾病的能力与诱导植物抗性的能力之间的联系的假设。



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