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The economist and the enlightenment: how Cesare Beccaria changed Western civilization


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This Article traces the influence of Cesare Beccaria's writings on Western civilization. It explores the global impact of Beccaria's 1764 book, Dei delitti e delle pene, later translated into English as An Essay on Crimes and Punishments. In particular, the Article highlights Beccaria's advocacy for proportion between crimes and punishments and against the death penalty. The Article gives a short sketch of Beccaria's life and describes the impact of Beccaria's book and his legacy in shaping the world's laws. The Article further describes how Beccaria's role as an influential eighteenth-century economist has been neglected by some economic historians.
机译:本文追溯了切萨雷·贝卡里亚(Cesare Beccaria)的著作对西方文明的影响。它探讨了贝卡里亚(Beccaria)1764年出版的《 Dei delitti e delle pene》一书的全球影响,该书后来被翻译成英文,名为《犯罪与惩罚论文》。该条特别强调了贝卡里亚倡导在犯罪与惩罚之间以及对死刑方面的比例。本文简要介绍了Beccaria的生活,并描述了Beccaria的著作及其对塑造世界法律的影响。这篇文章进一步描述了贝卡里亚作为一位有影响力的18世纪经济学家的角色是如何被一些经济史学家所忽视的。



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