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Reconceptualizing the concept of business and IT alignment: from engineering to agriculture


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We have been talking about strategic alignment between the business and information technology (IT) in organizational endeavor for at least two decades now (Venkatraman et al., 1993). Yet, despite heroic efforts on the part of researchers and practitioners we appear to be still far from achieving this business-IT 'nirvana', where the efforts of business and IT are synchronized as a well-engineered machine delivering extraordinary value to the business. Researchers have argued that alignment, while a complex and dynamic process, occurs when there is congruence between what the business wants to achieve (its strategy) and how IT may serve that strategy.
机译:至少二十年来,我们一直在讨论组织努力中的业务与信息技术(IT)之间的战略协调(Venkatraman等,1993)。然而,尽管研究人员和实践者付出了英勇的努力,但我们似乎离实现这个业务IT的“必杀技”还差得很远,在这个“ IT必杀技”中,业务和IT的努力作为一台精心设计的机器同步进行,为企业带来非凡的价值。研究人员认为,一致性是一个复杂而动态的过程,但是当企业想要实现的目标(其战略)与IT部门如何为该战略服务之间存在一致性时,就会发生一致性。



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