首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Control >Discussion on: 'Identification of Multivariable Models of Fast Ferries'

Discussion on: 'Identification of Multivariable Models of Fast Ferries'


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The ultimate goal of the identification experiment described in this paper is to increase the maritime transport comfort of passengers and crew by reducing the motion sickness induced by heave and pitch. To design the actuator elements that control (reduce) heave and pitch motions, one needs the following dynamics: wave height to heave force G_(1H)(s), wave height to pitch moment G_(1P)(s), heave force to heave motion G_(2H)(s), and pitch moment to pitch motion G_(2P)(s). Since in situ measurements of heave force and pitch moments are difficult (or even impossible) and not very reliable, the wave height to heave force G_(1H)(s), and wave height to pitch moment G_(1P)(s) dynamics are obtained via a simulation program, called PRECAL, that solves numerically the physical nonlinear differential equations of the vertical dynamics of a high-speed ship. The wave height to heave motion G_H(s) = G_(1H)(s)G_(2H)(s), and wave height to pitch motion G_P(s) = G_(1P)(s)G_(2P)(s) dynamics can be obtained from real measurements on a full scaled ship in a model basin or via the simulator PRECAL. In this paper, all the data for identifying G_(1H)(s),G_(2H)(s), G_(1P)(s) and G_(2P)(s) are obtained via the simulator PRECAL using regular waves (single sine excitations) at different encounter frequencies.
机译:本文描述的识别实验的最终目的是通过减少起伏和俯仰引起的晕车来提高乘客和机组人员的海上运输舒适度。要设计用于控制(减少)起伏和俯仰运动的执行器元件,需要以下动力学特性:波高至起伏力G_(1H)(s),波高至起伏力矩G_(1P)(s),起伏至升沉运动G_(2H)(s),以及俯仰力矩到俯仰运动G_(2P)(s)。由于对起伏力和俯仰力矩进行原位测量非常困难(甚至不可能),而且也不是很可靠,因此,起伏力对波动力G_(1H)(s)的影响以及对起伏力矩G_(1P)(s)的波动的影响是动态的可以通过称为PRECAL的模拟程序获得,该程序可以对高速船的垂直动力学的物理非线性微分方程进行数值求解。波动运动的波高G_H(s)= G_(1H)(s)G_(2H)(s),波动声的波高G_P(s)= G_(1P)(s)G_(2P)(s )动力学可以从模型盆地中满比例的船上的实际测量结果中获得,也可以通过模拟器PRECAL获得。在本文中,用于识别G_(1H),G_(2H),G_(1P)(s)和G_(2P)(s)的所有数据都是通过模拟器PRECAL使用常规波(单正弦激励)。



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