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Mathew Beaumont (ed), Adventures in Realism

机译:Mathew Beaumont(ed),现实主义历险记

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We have much need of this book. The whole general topic of realism has been sadly neglected in recent years. Think of all the critical work done on modernism and in contrast, you see how little has been done on its pale and forlorn forebear. Is realism really that uninteresting? Is it as it is often depicted - predictable, formulaic, facile, dull? It is time to move beyond this unexamined indifference, and beyond the usual stereotypical notions of its linearity, transparency and such. It is time because postmodernism and poststructuralism - for which realism was a singularly naive and simple-minded project - have now stalled, the wind fallen from their sails. And it is time to reconsider realism because realism matters, not just philosophically or aesthetically, but politically as well - as Brecht knew, and Barthes forgot, or rather understood only through the lens of representation. Anti-realism has had the stage long enough. This collection of essays is designed to bring realism centre-stage again. It treats not only literature, but also photography, painting and film, and offers a serious provocation to the hitherto established consensus on the non-refer-entiality of art forms and media representations. Realism is central to western modernity and the book regards it as so. Its 14 rewarding essays are capped by a concluding note from Fredric Jameson. Mathew Beaumont is to be congratulated on putting together such an impressive set of authors.
机译:我们非常需要这本书。可悲的是,现实主义的整个总话题近年来已被忽略。想想关于现代主义所做的所有关键工作,相反,您看到苍白而愚蠢的前辈所做的很少。现实主义真的那么有趣吗?它是否像通常描述的那样-可预测,公式化,轻便,无聊?现在应该超越这种未经审查的冷漠,超越其线性,透明性等通常的陈规定型观念。现在是时候了,因为后现代主义和后结构主义(现实主义是一个非常幼稚,思想简单的项目)现在已经停滞不前,风从帆中飘下来。现在是重新考虑现实主义的时候了,因为现实主义不仅在哲学或美学上,而且在政治上也很重要-正如布赖希特(Brecht)所知,而巴特(Barthes)则忘记了,或者更确切地说,仅是通过代表的视角来理解。反现实主义的舞台已经足够长了。这些论文集旨在再次将现实主义置于中心位置。它不仅处理文学,还处理摄影,绘画和电影,并严重挑衅迄今已确立的关于艺术形式和媒体表现形式的非参照性的共识。现实主义是西方现代性的核心,书中也是如此。弗雷德里克·詹姆森(Fredric Jameson)的结论性注释为该论文的14篇获奖论文作了封顶。祝贺Mathew Beaumont汇集了如此令人印象深刻的作家。



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