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Summer and winter plankton fish assemblages around offshore oil and gas platforms in south-eastern Australia


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Opportunistic plankton surveys were conducted within a 5-nmi radius of nine offshore oil and gas platforms in Bass Strait, southeastern Australia, in February 1998 and 1999 (summer) and August 1998 (winter). The 108 day-night samples collected alongside (vertical tows) and nearby (surface and oblique tows) platforms yielded 1526 larval and early juvenile fishes representing 55 taxa from 45 families. Epipelagic/mesopelagic taxa dominated the catches, whereas hard/soft habitat-associated taxa were uncommon. Carangidae (36.2%) and Myctophidae (31.5%) dominated in summer and winter, respectively. The most abundant taxon was Trachurus declivis (Carangidae, 35.1%), followed by Bovichtus angustifrons (Bovichtidae, 8.7%), Scomberesox saurus (Scomberesocidae, 3.7%), Centroberyx affinis (Berycidae, 3.0%) and Arripis trutta (Arripidae, 1.7%). Fish concentrations (nos. per 100 m~3) alongside platforms did not differ significantly between day and night across all surveys. Likewise, concentrations nearby platforms in February 1999, including those of T. declivis, did not vary significantly by tow type (surface vs. oblique) or day vs. night. The far greater diversity and abundance recorded in February 1999 are likely the result of upwelling conditions over the eastern Bass Strait shelf during the sampling period, and which were not detected in February 1998. In the absence of data on adult fishes associated with the Bass Strait platforms, and given the limited availability of reefs directly around the area, it could be argued that some of the taxa caught may originate from spawning around neighboring natural reefs, particularly those off the Gippsland coastline and the south-east corner of mainland Australia. However, the prime position of the platforms almost right in the center of a productivity "hotspot" would have a confounding effect on the potential source(s) of larval fishes in that region of south-eastern Australia. The role of platforms as potential de-facto reefs for juvenile fishes in Bass Strait, as well as spawning areas, is discussed based on the findings of this study, the first on early stages of fishes around oil and gas platforms in Australia.
机译:机会性浮游生物调查是在1998年2月和1999年(夏季)和1998年8月(冬季)在澳大利亚东南部的巴斯海峡,在9个海上油气平台的5-nmi半径内进行的。在(垂直拖曳)平台和附近(水面和倾斜拖曳)平台附近收集的108个昼夜样本产生了1526个幼虫和早期幼鱼,代表来自45个家庭的55个分类单元。渔获/中古生别类群占主导,而与生境相关的硬/软类群并不常见。夏季和冬季,科(36.2%)和and科(31.5%)占主导地位。最丰富的分类群是Trachurus declivis(Carangidae,35.1%),其次是Bovichtus angustifrons(Bovichtidae,8.7%),Scomberesox saurus(Scomberesocidae,3.7%),Centrooberyx affinis(Berycidae,3.0%)和Arripis trutta(Arripidae,1。 )。在所有调查中,白天和晚上的鱼浓度(每100 m〜3的鱼数)和平台之间均无显着差异。同样,1999年2月附近平台的浓度,包括T. declivis的浓度,在拖曳类型(表面相对于斜面)或白天相对于夜间的变化中也没有显着变化。 1999年2月记录的多样性和丰度要大得多,这可能是采样期间在巴斯海峡东部架子上出现上升流的结果,而在1998年2月未发现。在缺乏与巴斯海峡有关的成鱼的数据的情况下平台,并且由于该地区附近珊瑚礁的可利用性有限,因此可以说,捕获的某些生物分类可能源自邻近自然礁石周围的产卵,特别是那些在吉普斯兰海岸和澳大利亚大陆东南角附近的生物礁。但是,这些平台几乎位于生产力“热点”中心的主要位置会对澳大利亚东南部那个地区的幼体鱼的潜在来源产生混淆的影响。根据这项研究的结果,讨论了平台作为巴斯海峡以及产卵区幼鱼的潜在事实礁的潜在作用,这是澳大利亚油气平台周围鱼类的早期研究的第一阶段。



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