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Assessing exceedance of ozone standards: a space-time downscaler for fourth highest ozone concentrations


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The US Environmental Protection Agency is required to monitor, regulate, and set national ambient air quality standards for ozone. To investigate ozone exposure, the Environmental Protection Agency utilizes monitoring devices along with estimates of gridded ground level ozone concentration produced by a deterministic air quality model, the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model. These two sources of information enable inference regarding spatial exceedance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone, which is given in terms of the level of the annual fourth highest ozone concentration.Here, we extend previous downscaling work to propose a spatial fourth highest extreme value downscaling model to assimilate annual fourth highest ozone concentration data at geo-coded locations with estimates at grid cell level derived from the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model model output. The resulting inference enables us to make probabilistic statements, with associated uncertainty, about the spatial variation in the chance of exceeding the standard. We apply our approach to data in the Eastern USA during years 2001–2008 and compare its predictive performance to that of downscaler models based on Gaussian processes applied to daily data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:美国环境保护署需要监测,调节和设定国家臭氧环境空气质量标准。为了调查臭氧暴露,环境保护署利用监测设备,以及由确定性空气质量模型(社区多尺度空气质量模型)产生的栅格化地面臭氧浓度的估计值。这两个信息源可以推断出国家臭氧环境空气质量标准在空间上的超标程度,这是根据年度第四高的臭氧浓度给出的。在这里,我们扩展了先前的降尺度工作,以提出空间第四高的极端值值缩减模型,以吸收来自地理编码位置的年度第四高臭氧浓度数据,并从社区多尺度空气质量模型输出中得出网格单元水平的估计值。由此得出的推论使我们能够就超出标准的机会的空间变化做出概率不确定的概率陈述。我们将我们的方法应用于2001-2008年美国东部的数据,并将其预测性能与基于应用于每日数据的高斯过程的降尺度模型的预测性能进行比较。版权所有©2014 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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