
Animal Relations


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When Hurricane Katrina hit southeast Louisiana in 2005, the state and federal authorities were, we know, seriously unprepared. This factor contributed significantly to the loss of life and environmental devastation: roughly 1,800 human deaths and over a million made homeless; destruction of animal habitats and breeding grounds, marshlands, island ecologies; and erosion. What is less known is that up to 600,000 domesticated animals were killed or left homeless (in addition to thousands of wild animals). Although some 8,500 companion animals were rescued in Louisiana, the record of animal deaths and the failure to evacuate or pay attention to animals in both natural and human-caused disasters is a sad story (Humane Society, 2008). It's been reported that 21 million horses were deployed by the Russians on the Eastern Front during World War Ⅱ, with two-thirds of the animals killed. Animals serving the military from past to present have been abandoned due to difficulties in providing transport home to both humans and animals (Gardiner, 2006). The care and evacuation of animals abandoned in zoos, homes and farms at times of crisis has also been minimal.
机译:当卡特里娜飓风在2005年袭击路易斯安那州东南部时,据我们所知,州和联邦当局严重缺乏准备。这一因素严重影响了生命和环境破坏:大约1800人死亡,超过100万人无家可归;破坏动物栖息地和繁殖地,沼泽地,岛屿生态;和侵蚀。鲜为人知的是,除了数以千计的野生动物外,多达60万只驯养的动物被杀死或无家可归。尽管在路易斯安那州救出了约8,500只同伴动物,但在自然和人为灾难中,动物死亡以及未能疏散或关注动物的记录令人遗憾(Humane Society,2008)。据报道,第二次世界大战期间,俄罗斯人在东部战线部署了2100万匹马,其中三分之二的动物被杀。由于难以为人类和动物提供运输的家园,过去一直为军队服务的动物已被抛弃(Gardiner,2006年)。在危机发生时,对被遗弃在动物园,家庭和农场中的动物的照料和疏散也很少。



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