首页> 外文期刊>Environmental toxicology and chemistry >Growth‐Correcting the Bioconcentration Factor and Biomagnification Factor in Bioaccumulation Assessments

Growth‐Correcting the Bioconcentration Factor and Biomagnification Factor in Bioaccumulation Assessments


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We illustrate that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development guideline 305 (OECD-305) for growth-correcting bioconcentration factors (BCFs) and biomagnification factors (BMFs) violates the mass-balance assumption underlying the definition of BCFs and BMFs and provides unrealistic estimates of BCFs and BMFs of chemicals in nongrowing fish. We present and test alternative methods for growth-correcting BCFs and BMFs that maintain mass balance. We conclude that the OECD-305-recommended growth correction of BCFs and BMFs causes error, is unnecessary, and should be revisited. Environ Toxicol Chem 2019;00:1-8. (c) 2019 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of SETAC.
机译:我们说明了经济合作和发展指南305(OECD-305)用于增长校正生物康复因素(BCFS)和生物磁化因子(BMF)违反了BCFS和BMFS定义的大规模余额假设,并提供了不现实的非研磨鱼中的化学品BCFS和BMF的估计。我们提出并测试了维持质量平衡的生长校正BCFS和BMF的替代方法。我们得出的结论是,不需要对BCFS和BMFS的经合组织-305推荐的增长校正导致错误,并且应该重新审视。环境毒素化学2019; 00:1-8。 (c)2019年作者。由Wiley期刊,Inc。代表Setac出版的环境毒理学和化学。



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