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Ditching SUVs and Breeding Beefalos


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It is indeed true that sales of sport utility vehicles (SUVs)-not to mention pickup trucks and vans-have plummeted in recent months in the U.S. Undoubtedly rising oil prices are playing a big role, and sales of the Ford Explorer, Lincoln Navigator, GMC Yukon and Hummer H2 are all down 50 percent or more. But U.S. automakers are quick to point out that sales have been dropping across all product lines and that attractive financing programs last year translated into record sales numbers. But General Motors (GM), the world's largest automaker, did report that overall sales in the U.S. sank in October 2005 by 22.7 percent compared to the previous year, while sales of SUVs, pickups and vans shrank by 30.3 percent. Ford experienced similar drops.
机译:的确,近几个月来,越野车(SUV)(更不用说皮卡车和货车)的销量在美国暴跌了。毫无疑问,油价上涨起着举足轻重的作用,福特Explorer,Lincoln Navigator, GMC Yukon和Hummer H2均下跌了50%或更多。但是美国汽车制造商很快指出,所有产品线的销售都在下降,去年有吸引力的融资计划转化为创纪录的销售数字。但是,全球最大的汽车制造商通用汽车(GM)确实报告说,2005年10月美国的整体销量与上年相比下降了22.7%,而SUV,皮卡和货车的销量却下降了30.3%。福特经历了类似的下跌。



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