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Financing at the Grid Edge


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This Article, excerpted from Michael B. Gerrard & John C. Dernbach, eds., Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States (forthcoming in 2018 from ELI Press), discusses legal impediments and solutions for customer, community, and third-party financing of behind-the-meter and community-scale clean energy generation, storage, and energy efficiency. Current levels of investment by utilities and independent power producers fall well below levels needed to meet deep decarbonization goals. Investments at the "grid edge" driven by customers and communities not only contribute to clean energy goals, but also reduce energy prices and improve the resilience of the power supply. Legal reforms are needed to permit ownership of local energy resources and sales of energy and other services by customers, communities, and their local suppliers; to encourage utilities and regional transmission organizations to foster transparent markets for services from grid-edge resources; to provide better information on the usage of customers and the needs of the grid; and to adapt and reuse existing finance markets and create new institutions that support grid-edge finance.
机译:本文摘自Michael B.Gerrard和John C.Dernbach编着的《美国深度脱碳的法律途径》(ELI Press将于2018年发布),讨论了针对客户,社区和第三方的法律障碍和解决方案后台和社区规模的清洁能源发电,存储和能源效率的融资。公用事业和独立发电商的当前投资水平远低于实现深度脱碳目标所需的水平。客户和社区推动的“电网边缘”投资不仅有助于实现清洁能源目标,而且还可以降低能源价格并提高电源的弹性。需要进行法律改革,以允许拥有本地能源资源以及客户,社区及其本地供应商销售能源和其他服务;鼓励公用事业和区域输电组织为电网边缘资源的服务建立透明的市场;提供有关客户使用情况和电网需求的更好信息;并适应和重用现有的金融市场,并创建支持网格边缘金融的新机构。



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