首页> 外文期刊>Environmental earth sciences >Elucidating hydrochemical properties of groundwater for drinking and agriculture in parts of Punjab, India

Elucidating hydrochemical properties of groundwater for drinking and agriculture in parts of Punjab, India


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Groundwater over-exploitation leading to quality deterioration is an accepted fact, but limited work in this direction has been carried out in the Indian state of Punjab, where groundwater development is 172 %, the highest of any state in India. This paper makes an assessment of the groundwater quality in three administrative blocks of Rupnagar district in Punjab, in two of which groundwater exploitation has already reached about 200 %. Sixty groundwater samples were collected from shallow tubewells and hand pumps in premonsoon season (May, 2013) and were analyzed for major chemical parameters. Analytical results do not show any perceptible deterioration in groundwater quality; all the parameters are well within the permissible limits of the Indian standards, except for electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), Ca and Mg, which exceed the desirable limits in few groundwater samples. Abundance of ions in the water samples is in the order: HCO3- > Cl- > SO42- > NO3- and Mg2+ > Ca2+ > N a (+) > K+. Data plotted on the US Salinity Laboratory diagram show that most of the samples fall in the category of C2S1 and C3S1, which makes the groundwater suitable for irrigation in all types of soil. Other chemical indices such as % sodium (% Na), sodium absorption ratio (SAR), and residual sodium carbonate (RSC) also show that almost all samples are fit for irrigation purposes. This work thus concludes that groundwater quality deterioration due to irrigation has not yet been well perceived in the state of Punjab, even if much of its groundwater resources have been over-exploited. However, the paper warns against indiscriminate drilling and over-exploitation of the groundwater resources for their long-term usage and sustainability.
机译:地下水过度开采导致质量下降是一个公认的事实,但是在印度旁遮普邦开展的这方面工作却很少,那里的地下水开发率为172%,是印度所有邦中最高的。本文对旁遮普邦Rupnagar区的三个行政区的地下水质量进行了评估,其中两个行政区的地下水开采量已达到约200%。在季风季节(2013年5月)从浅管井和手动泵中收集了60个地下水样品,并分析了其主要化学参数。分析结果并未显示地下水质量有任何明显的下降;除电导率(EC),总溶解固体(TDS),Ca和Mg超出了少数几个地下水样品的理想限值外,所有参数均在印度标准的允许范围内。水样中离子的丰度顺序为:HCO3-> Cl-> SO42-> NO3-和Mg2 +> Ca2 +> Na(+)> K +。美国盐度实验室图上绘制的数据表明,大多数样品都属于C2S1和C3S1类别,这使得地下水适合在所有类型的土壤中灌溉。其他化学指标,例如钠百分比(%Na),钠吸收率(SAR)和残留碳酸钠(RSC),也表明几乎所有样品都适合灌溉。因此,这项工作得出的结论是,即使旁遮普邦的地下水资源已被过度开发,但由于灌溉造成的地下水质量恶化尚未得到人们的充分认识。但是,该论文警告不要因长期使用和可持续性而滥采滥挖和过度开采地下水资源。



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