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The last marine wilderness: spearfishing for trophy fishes in the Coral Sea


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Isolation can provide marine ecosystems with a refuge from human impacts. However, information on the biodiversity, ecology and fisheries of remote regions is often sparse. The proposed Coral Sea Marine Reserve could create one of the world's largest and most remote marine parks, yet little information is available to inform discussions. Fish captures from the Coral Sea and adjacent Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were assessed from reports contained in a chronology of spearfishing publications from 1953 to 2009, and reveal for the first time the history of recreational spearfishing in the Coral Sea. Although the area is perceived as relatively untouched, the data indicate that spearfishers have frequented Coral Sea reefs for at least 43 years and reported captures have increased exponentially. Post-1993 trophy captures in the Coral Sea (mean 23 kg) were larger than the adjacent GBR (9 kg). Reef species characterize the GBR catch, while large pelagic species characterize the Coral Sea catch. Provided that functionally important fishes are not targeted, the relatively small scale of recreational spearfishing and the focus on pelagic species suggests that spearfishing currently exerts limited pressure on the ecology of Coral Sea reefs.
机译:隔离可以使海洋生态系统免受人类影响。但是,有关偏远地区生物多样性,生态和渔业的信息往往很少。拟议中的珊瑚海海洋保护区可以创建世界上最大,最偏远的海洋公园之一,但很少有信息可用于讨论。根据1953年至2009年的鱼捞渔业出版物年表中的报告,评估了从珊瑚海和邻近的大堡礁(GBR)捕捞的鱼类,这首次揭示了在珊瑚海中休闲捞鱼的历史。尽管人们认为该地区是相对未受污染的地区,但数据表明,矛鱼捕捞者经常光顾珊瑚海至少43年,而且据报道捕捞量呈指数增长。 1993年后在珊瑚海中的奖杯捕获量(平均23千克)大于相邻的GBR(9千克)。珊瑚礁种类是GBR渔获的特征,而大型浮游鱼类是珊瑚海渔获的特征。如果不以功能重要的鱼类为目标,则相对较小的休闲鱼捞活动和对浮游鱼类的关注表明,鱼捞活动目前对珊瑚礁的生态施加有限的压力。



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