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EE & PL's look at Europe this week, featuring G8 goals and Spanish solar panels


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A "joint vision" for action to combat climate change was agreed upon by G8 nations this week, as part of their annual meeting, held this year in Hokkaido, Japan. The 7-9 July meeting of 16 major economies recognised the need for "deep cuts" in carbon emissions, but difficult issues have been left unresolved. George Bush has championed the idea of broadening talks on climate change from the G8 to other big polluting countries and has insisted that the US will only sign a replacement for the 1997 Kyoto agreement if countries like China and India are involved.
机译:在今年于日本北海道举行的八国集团年度会议的一部分中,八国集团(G8)国家本周同意采取行动的“共同愿景”。 7月7日至9日举行的16个主要经济体会议认识到有必要“大幅度削减”碳排放量,但仍未解决棘手的问题。乔治•布什(George Bush)拥护将八国集团(G8)扩大到其他污染大国的气候变化问题的主张,并坚持认为,只有中国和印度等国家参与进来,美国才会签署替代1997年《京都议定书》的协议。



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