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New York State Hopes to Reduce Blackouts With Renewable Energy Mix in Microgrids


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If you want to see how U.S. utilities could lose control of the electricity industry, keep an eye on Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood, which spent a week in the dark after Hurricane Sandy hit New York in 2012. Red Hook is planning to use a mix of solar panels, battery storage and small wind turbines to create a "mi-crogrid" that can power local apartment buildings, businesses and a community center, as well as ensure the neighborhood can successfully endure another big storm. New York state has approved preliminary plans for 83 such microgrids. While most, including the one for Red Hook, remain in the planning stages, some have drawn support from companies that include General Electric Co., NRG Energy Inc., Siemens AG and Hitachi Ltd. It's an effort that may help erode the hold big utilities have had over U.S. power generation for more than a century.
机译:如果您想了解美国公用事业如何失去对电力行业的控制,请留意布鲁克林的红钩社区,该社区在桑迪飓风于2012年袭击纽约后黑暗中呆了一周。红钩计划使用太阳能电池板,电池存储装置和小型风力发电机组,以创造一个“微型杂草丛生”,为当地的公寓楼,企业和社区中心提供动力,并确保附近地区能够成功经受另一场大风暴。纽约州已经批准了83个此类微电网的初步计划。虽然包括Red Hook在内的大多数公司仍处于计划阶段,但其中一些公司已经获得了通用电气公司,NRG能源公司,西门子公司和日立有限公司等公司的支持。这可能有助于削弱公司的地位。公用事业已经超过美国发电一个多世纪了。



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