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MicroFEWs: A Food–Energy–Water Systems Approach to Renewable Energy Decisions in Islanded Microgrid Communities in Rural Alaska




In recent years, there has been increased recognition of the importance of a nexus approach to optimize food, energy, and water (FEW) security at regional and global scales. Remote communities in the Arctic and Subarctic regions in Alaska provide unique examples of closed and isolated systems, wherein the FEW nexus not only needs to be examined to lend resilience to these vulnerable communities but that could also serve as small-scale test beds for a wider and systematic understanding of the FEW nexus. In this short communication, looking at the FEW nexus in Cordova, Alaska, through an energy lens, we introduce an approach (referred to as the “MicroFEWs approach”) that may assist remote communities in Alaska in making informed decisions regarding the use of renewable energy to increase FEW security. Our example uses the MicroFEWs approach to assess the impacts of increased renewable energy generation on FEW security in the community, more specifically to food security through potential changes to the community's fish processing industry. This approach can serve as a basis for investigating the FEW nexus in varying contexts and locales.
机译:近年来,人们越来越认识到在区域和全球范围内优化食品,能源和水(FEW)安全的联系方法的重要性。阿拉斯加北极和亚北极地区的偏远社区提供了封闭和孤立的系统的独特示例,其中,FEW关系不仅需要进行检查以增强这些脆弱社区的适应力,而且还可以作为更广泛范围的小型测试平台对FEW关系的系统理解。在这段简短的交流中,我们通过能源视角研究了阿拉斯加科尔多瓦的FEW关系,我们介绍了一种方法(称为“ MicroFEWs方法”),该方法可以帮助阿拉斯加的偏远社区就可再生能源的使用做出明智的决策。能量以增加FEW安全性。我们的示例使用MicroFEWs方法评估了可再生能源发电量增加对社区FEW安全的影响,更具体地说,是通过社区鱼类加工行业的潜在变化对粮食安全的影响。这种方法可以作为在不同背景和地区调查FEW关系的基础。



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