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Research Finds Microplastics in Rivers Despite Treatment of Large Quantities


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Thousands and perhaps millions of tiny shards of plastic that are less than 5 millimeters wide are entering urban rivers in Illinois every day after eluding capture at wastewater treatment plants, according to research by Chicago-based Loyola University. Released Feb. 24 by the American Geophysical Union, the unpublished findings by assistant professor Timothy Hoellein and his team show that wastewater treatment plants were a source of microplastics in 80 percent of the 10 urban rivers examined in northern Illinois, "regardless of the size of the river or the size and type of wastewater treatment plant." An aquatic ecologist by training, Hoellein estimates that between 15,000 and 4.5 million pieces of microplastics enter those rivers every day from each of the 10 wastewater treatment plants that treated the effluent prior to discharge. This is despite the fact that 90 percent of microplastics are being captured by wastewater treatment.
机译:总部位于芝加哥的洛约拉大学(Loyola University)的研究表明,每天有成千上万个小于5毫米的塑料碎片进入伊利诺伊州的城市河流,这是因为它们被废水处理厂所捕获。助理教授蒂莫西·霍莱因(Timothy Hoellein)和他的团队于2月24日发布了美国地球物理联合会的未发表研究结果,结果表明,废水处理厂是伊利诺伊州北部考察的10条城市河流中80%的微塑料来源,“河流或废水处理厂的大小和类型。”作为一名经过培训的水生生态学家,Hoellein估计每天有105,000至450万种微塑料从处理废水的10家废水处理厂中的每一种进入这些河流。尽管事实上有90%的微塑料被废水处理所捕获。



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