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Enbridge’s Lake Pipeline Tunnel Faces Long Environmental Review


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Enbridge Inc.’s embattled plan to build a tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac for its Line 5 oil pipeline will need a more thorough review from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the latestsetback for the project opposed by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.The Army Corps said Wednesday that the project will require an environmental impact statement, which is lengthier than a simple environmental assessment. The EIS is appropriatebecause it could “significantly” affect the quality of the “human environment,” Jaime Pinkham, acting assistant secretary for the Army for Civil Works, said on the agency’s website.The requirement is a victory for environmentalists and indigenous groups that now will gain more time to oppose Line 5. The Canadian pipeline giant is facing mounting opposition andhurdles for its two key projects to upgrade conduits that haul crude from the oil sands to U.S. refineries. They are crucial for producers in Alberta that have struggled for years with ashortage of export pipelines, and have seen projects such as TC Energy Corp.’s Keystone XL get scrapped.
机译:Enbridge Inc.在Mackinac海峡为其第5条石油管道建造隧道的陷入困境的计划将需要从美国军队的工程师的更彻底的评论,最新由密歇根州州长格雷德曼反对的项目的挫折。陆军军团周三表示,该项目将需要环境影响声明,这倾向于简单的环境评估。 EIS是合适的由于它可以“显着”影响“人类环境”的质量,即民事工资署助理助理助理助理助理助理助理秘书。该要求是对环保主义者和土着群体的胜利,现在将获得更多时间来反对第5条。加拿大管道巨头面临着持有的反对派和障碍为其两项重点项目升级将拖运从油砂粗磨到美国炼油厂的渠道。他们对艾伯塔省的生产者来说至关重要,这些制作人多年来一直在努力出口流水线短缺,并已看到TC Energy Corp.的keystone XL等项目。



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