首页> 外文期刊>Environment and planning >Fairtrade, place and moral economy: Between abstract ethical discourse and the moral experience of Northern Cape farmers

Fairtrade, place and moral economy: Between abstract ethical discourse and the moral experience of Northern Cape farmers


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This paper explores the significance of the relationships and disjunctures between the global moral discourses of Fairtrade that are articulated through ethics of fairness in supply chains and the everyday moral experiences, discourses and practices of producers that shape moral economies in specific localities. Due to increased governance through universal codes, standards and certification, Fairtrade risks becoming an abstract ethical and regulatory tool, disconnected from the moral economies of those poor farmers it is intended to benefit. In response, the paper makes a case for a deeper understanding of the moral economies of farmers involved in Fairtrade networks and the ways in which these emerge out of moral experiences that are deeply embedded in local social and cultural relations. Through a case study of Eksteenskuil Agricultural Cooperative in South Africa's Northern Cape, it seeks to demonstrate the importance of understanding the moral experiences of producers to better consider what is at stake for them, focusing on notions of cooperation, fairness and the 'good farmer', perceptions of community, and concerns with survival and self-sufficiency. The paper concludes that working in culturally-sensitive ways with producer communities and understanding how their local moral worlds are structured is vital in bridging the gap between abstract ethical discourses and the place-based moral experiences of producers, and to ensuring the effectiveness of Fairtrade initiatives.
机译:本文探讨了通过供应链中的公平伦理阐明的公平贸易全球道德话语与形成特定地区道德经济的生产者的日常道德经验,话语和实践之间的关系和分断的重要性。由于通过通用法规,标准和认证加强了治理,因此公平贸易有可能成为一种抽象的道德和监管工具,与旨在从中受益的那些贫困农民的道德经济脱节。作为回应,本文为更深入地了解参与公平贸易网络的农民的道德经济以及从深深植根于当地社会和文化关系中的道德经验中脱颖而出的方式提供了理由。通过对南非北开普省Eksteenskuil农业合作社的案例研究,该研究试图证明了解生产者的道德经验以更好地考虑对他们有什么害处的重要性,重点放在合作,公平和“好农民”的观念上,对社区的看法以及对生存和自给自足的关注。本文的结论是,以文化敏感的方式与生产者社区合作并了解其当地道德世界是如何构成的,对于弥合抽象的道德话语与生产者的场所道德经验之间的差距以及确保公平贸易倡议的有效性至关重要。 。



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