首页> 外文会议>AMA Winter Academic Conference >Shareholder Value Perspective and Moral Judgment in Emerging Economies: The Role of Ethics of Autonomy and Ethical Egoism

Shareholder Value Perspective and Moral Judgment in Emerging Economies: The Role of Ethics of Autonomy and Ethical Egoism




Globalization of the world economy and economic reforms in developing countries have led to unprecedented economic growth and prosperity as well as inequities of wealth,environmental degradation,and widespread unethical practices in emerging markets(Javalgi and Russell 2018).In search of explanations for and solutions to the ethical chaos observed in China and other countries,researchers have examined the role of underdeveloped institutional environment(Ghafoor et al.2018),managers'CSR orientation(Wang et al.2018),ethical values(Li et al.2018),and ethical tradition such as Buddhism and Confucianism(Cao el al.2016;Liu and Sten-ing,2016).Nevertheless,a thorough literature review failed to locate any studies that explicitly investigate the impact of ethical egoism or ethics of autonomy,the ethical systems rooted in market ethic.Market ethic has led to dramatic changes in emerging economies and is of ten viewed as a primary cause of the ethical problems observed(Redfern and Crawford 2004).Thus,it is imperative to investigate the impacts on moral decisions of the normative ethics associated with market ethic.The present study aims to answer an important question: How might normative ethics associated with market ethic affect managers'moral judgments about marketing malpractices in emerging economies?
机译:世界经济全球化和发展中国家的经济改革导致了前所未有的经济增长和繁荣,以及新兴市场的财富,环境退化和广泛的不道德实践(Javalgi和Russell 2018)。在寻找和解决方案的解释中对于在中国和其他国家观察到的道德混乱,研究人员研究了欠发达的机构环境的作用(Ghafoor等,Al.2018),经理人员的定位(Wang等人),道德价值观(Li等,2018),和佛教和儒学等道德传统(Cao El Al.2016;刘和Sten-ing,2016)。无论如何,全面的文献综述未能定位任何明确调查道德利主义或民族教训的伦理的影响的研究植根于市场伦理的系统。市场伦理导致新兴经济体的戏剧性变化,是由于观察到的道德问题的主要原因(Rederfern和Crawford 2004)。因此,旨在调查对与市场伦理相关的规范性伦理的道德决策的影响。目前的研究旨在回答一个重要问题:如何与市场伦理有关的规范性伦理,影响经理关于新兴经济体的营销弊端的判断还



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