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EPA Plans Imminent Withdrawal Of FBI MOU, But IG Voices Concerns


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EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has told the agency's Inspector General (IG) she has imminent plans to withdraw a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that gave the agency's homeland security office sole investigative authority over intelligence matters at EPA, but IG Arthur Elkins Jr. voiced dissatisfaction with the move at an April 30 House oversight committee hearing. "It leaves the whole situation muddier than it was before," Elkins told the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee at a hearing on EPA mismanagement. Elkins informed the committee he received two emails April 29 from McCarthy advising him of "an imminent withdrawal of the MOU." He said, "While I sincerely appreciate the spirit of the proposal, the stated terms fall disappointedly short of addressing the OIG's concerns."
机译:EPA管理员吉娜麦卡锡(Gina McCarthy)告诉该机构的监察长(IG),她即将制定与联邦调查局(FBI)撤回谅解备忘录(MOU)的计划,该备忘录赋予该机构的国土安全局对EPA情报事项的唯一调查权,但IG Arthur Elkins Jr.在4月30日众议院监督委员会的听证会上对这一举动表示不满。埃尔金斯在关于EPA管理不善的听证会上告​​诉众议院监督与政府改革委员会说:“这使整个局势比以前更加混乱。”埃尔金斯告诉委员会,他于4月29日收到麦卡锡的两封电子邮件,通知他“谅解备忘录即将撤消”。他说:“尽管我由衷地赞赏该提案的精神,但令人失望的是,这些条款未能解决监察办的关切。”



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