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Observers See TSCA Bill Movement As 'Huge' Step But Questions Remain


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Congress watchers are touting the Senate environment committee's passage of a bipartisan compromise bill to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) as a "huge" accomplishment toward amending the decades-old law, but acknowledge that questions remain, including what happens with a separate TSCA reform effort in the House. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy noted during an April 29 Senate Appropriations interior, environment and related agencies subcommittee hearing that EPA toxics chief Jim Jones had previously identified "a couple of areas" where the bill, as introduced, "fell short of the administration's principles." "But I also am pleased that the most recent amendments really address those issues," she said. "And, I am encouraged that we're moving forward with a bipartisan bill."
机译:国会观察家们吹捧参议院环境委员会通过一项两党妥协法案,以改革《有毒物质控制法案》(TSCA),这是对已有数十年历史的法律的一项“巨大成就”,但他承认仍然存在问题,包括单独采取行动时会发生什么。在众议院进行TSCA改革。 EPA署长吉娜·麦卡锡(Gina McCarthy)在4月29日的参议院拨款内部,环境及相关机构小组委员会听证会上指出,EPA毒物主管吉姆·琼斯(Jim Jones)先前已确定“几个领域”,该法案被引入,“违反了政府的原则”。她说:“但令我高兴的是,最​​新修正案确实解决了这些问题。” “而且,我对我们正在制定两党法案感到鼓舞。”



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