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Senators Seek To Limit TSCA Reform Bill Amendments As Support Grows

机译:随着支持的增加,参议员试图限制《 TSCA改革法案》的修正案

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Senators backing a Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) reform bill are seeking to limit the amendments that might be offered during upcoming floor debate in order to minimize chances of a controversial chemicals policy amendment from dooming the bill, which May 7 secured an additional 14 Democratic and Republican sponsors. At a press conference to announce the new support, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) - who introduced the bill, S. 697, with Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) - said he is committed to an "open amendment process" on the floor. However, he added that, "We already have compromised a huge amount," noting that he believes the legislation is "in a good place now" and that too many amendments could upset that balance of bipartisan support for the bill.
机译:支持《有毒物质控制法案》(TSCA)改革法案的参议员正寻求限制可能在即将举行的现场辩论中提出的修正案,以最大程度地减少有争议的化学品政策修正案注定该法案的可能性,该法案于5月7日获得了另外14项民主党和共和党的赞助商。在宣布新支持的新闻发布会上,参议员戴维·维特(R-LA)与汤姆·乌德尔(Tom Udall)(D-NM)共同介绍了第697号法案,称他致力于“开放修正程序”。 “ 在地上。但是,他补充说:“我们已经妥协了很多,”他指出,他认为该立法“现在处于适当的位置”,太多的修正案可能会破坏两党对该法案的支持。



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