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Worldwide Economic Slump Sinks U.S. Firms Abroad


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The war in Iraq has diverted attention from the weakness in the U.S. economy, at least for a while. It also siphoned off federal dollars from environmental projects at home. Overseas, some firms may have an opportunity to recoup some of that money, but only if the U.S. and the United Nations are willing to stay the course and spend the billions of dollars needed to put Iraq back on course after severe underinvestment during 12 years of sanctions. Iraq needs a good deal of environmental remediation, from basic water-wastewater treatment improvements to clearing minefields and dealing with unexploded ordnance. There is a growing consensus that the Arab marshlands in the southern part of the country should be restored. The ecosystem was drained by Saddam Hussein, ostensibly to promote irrigation, but in reality to punish the Shiite population that revolted against his regime in the early 1990s. Thousands of Marsh Arabs were killed or resettled in northern Iraq to displace the Kurds. Undoing the damage in social, political and environmental terms would be an enormous undertaking. The marsh area is larger than the Everglades and restoration would cost billions of dollars.
机译:伊拉克战争至少在一段时间内已经转移了人们对美国经济疲软的关注。它还从国内的环境项目中抽走了联邦政府的资金。在海外,一些公司可能有机会收回部分资金,但前提是美国和联合国愿意坚持下去,并花费12亿美元在严重投资不足后使伊拉克重返正轨所需的数十亿美元。制裁。伊拉克需要进行大量的环境修复工作,从基本的废水和废水处理改进到清除雷区和处理未爆弹药。人们越来越同意应恢复该国南部的阿拉伯沼泽地。萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)耗尽了生态系统,表面上是为了促进灌溉,但实际上是为了惩罚1990年代初期反抗他政权的什叶派人口。成千上万的沼泽阿拉伯人在伊拉克北部被杀或重新安置,以驱逐库尔德人。消除社会,政治和环境方面的损害将是一项艰巨的任务。沼泽地的面积比大沼泽地还要大,修复将耗资数十亿美元。



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