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Malawi's energy needs and agroforestry: Impact of woodlots on fuelwood sales


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Malawi has not yet transitioned from the use of wood to more sustainable and efficient means of energy production. This aggravates the already dire problem of deforestation and contributes to severe fuelwood scarcity. The rural sellers of fuelwood, whose livelihoods depend upon access to the commodity, arc particularly incentivized to find means of stabilizing their supply. Although agroforestry fuelwood technology (AFT) options such as private and communal woodlots are available for increasing sustainable supplies, Malawians largely have not adopted them. This study investigates the use of agroforestry in general, and AFT in particular, by rural fuelwood sellers in Malawi through analysis of survey results gathered during a large-scale agroforestry extension effort. The findings indicate that fuelwood sellers are 125% and 43% more likely to use AFT than the general population in the North and South regions of the country, respectively. Moreover, binary regression showed that the use of AFT in particular was directly related to the ability to sell fuelwood in the South (i.e., increasing its likelihood by 4.5 times). Based on the findings, the authors propose that for Malawi and similarly situated countries, household composition should be considered in policy and extension recommendations. Communal woodlots may be promoted for the general population in patrilocal areas with high numbers of female-headed households or particularly weak tenure scenarios, while individual woodlots within broader agroforestry prescriptions may be preferred for male-headed households. For both situations, the role of agroforestry in improving environmental conditions and thereby increasing future output levels should be emphasized. (C) 2019 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.
机译:马拉维尚未从使用木材过渡到更加可持续和高效的能源生产方式。这加剧了本已严重的森林砍伐问题,并导致严重的薪柴短缺。农村薪柴销售商的生计取决于获得商品的机会,他们特别受到激励以寻找稳定其供应的手段。尽管可以使用诸如私有和公共林地之类的农林业薪材技术(AFT)选项来增加可持续供应,但马拉维人基本上没有采用它们。这项研究通过对大规模农林业扩展工作中收集的调查结果进行分析,调查了马拉维农村薪材销售商对农用林的总体利用情况,特别是对农作物贸易的利用。调查结果表明,薪柴销售商使用AFT的可能性分别比该国北部和南部地区的总人口高125%和43%。而且,二元回归表明,AFT的使用尤其与在南方销售薪柴的能力直接相关(即,将其可能性提高了4.5倍)。根据调查结果,作者建议,对于马拉维和处境类似的国家,应在政策和推广建议中考虑家庭构成。在以女性为户主的家庭数量较多或土地使用状况特别薄弱的父系地区,可以为普通人口提倡公共林地,而在以男性为户主的家庭中,更广泛的农林业规定范围内的个体林地可能是首选。对于这两种情况,都应强调农林业在改善环境条件从而增加未来产出水平方面的作用。 (C)2019国际能源倡议。由Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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