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Why do leaders nationalize the oil industry? The politics of resource expropriation


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Why do leaders nationalize the oil industry? In line with a general utility-maximizing theory, I argue that leaders nationalize to maximize state revenues while minimizing costs. The latter includes international retaliation and domestic political constraints. Using a novel longitudinal dataset on the establishment of national oil companies (NOCs), the empirical evidence presented in this paper lends support to four primary findings. States are most likely to establish NOCs (1) in periods of high oil prices, when the risks of expropriation are outweighed by the financial benefits; (2) in non-democratic systems, where executive constraints are limited; (3) in "waves", that is, after other countries have nationalized, reflecting reduced likelihood of international retaliation; and, though with weaker empirical support, (4) in political settings marked by resource nationalism. This last factor is proxied by OPEC membership in large-N analysis and, in a two-case comparison, by the difference in retained profits between the host and foreign governments. The theory and empirics presented here offer some clues for policy makers and multinational companies alike as to when to expect leaders to opt for nationalization.
机译:领导人为什么将石油行业国有化?与一般的效用最大化理论相一致,我认为领导人国有化是为了最大化国家收入,同时又将成本最小化。后者包括国际报复和国内政治限制。使用关于国家石油公司(NOC)成立的新颖纵向数据集,本文提供的经验证据为四个主要发现提供了支持。各国最有可能在高油价时期建立国家石油公司(NOC)(1),而被征收的收益被经济利益所抵消; (2)在行政限制有限的非民主制度中; (3)在“浪潮”中,即在其他国家被国有化之后,反映出国际报复的可能性降低了; (4)在资源民族主义为标志的政治环境中,尽管经验支持较弱。最后一个因素是OPEC成员参与大型N分析的结果,并且在两个案例的比较中,由东道国与外国政府之间的保留利润差异来代替。本文介绍的理论和经验为决策者和跨国公司提供了一些线索,包括何时期望领导人选择国有化。



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