首页> 外文期刊>Energy & fuels >Thermal Cracking of Athabasca Bitumen: Influence of Steam on Reaction Chemistry

Thermal Cracking of Athabasca Bitumen: Influence of Steam on Reaction Chemistry


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Thermal cracking of Athabasca bitumen at various reaction conditions with and without the presence of steam was investigated to determine if steam has a chemical influence on coking. The reactions were done in 15 mL microautoclave reactors and a 3" diameter fluidized bed coking pilot unit over a range of reaction severity (350--530 deg.C, 10--60 min reaction time). The differences between reactions with and without steam were investigated by comparing elemental composition of the products and coke yield. The presence of steam decreased coke yield and decreased sulfur removal, and reduced the W/C ratio of the liquid products. Hydrogen exchange from steam to thermally cracked bitumen molecules was tested by doping water with deuterium oxide (D_2O) and analyzing liquid and coke products by NMR and stable isotope mass spectrometry, respectively. Preferential deuteration of benzylic carbons was observed along with a trend of increasing deuterium transfer to liquids and coke as reaction severity increased. Free-radical, ionic, and physical mechanisms that can account for these experimental results are discussed.
机译:研究了在有和没有蒸汽存在下,在各种反应条件下阿萨巴斯卡沥青的热裂解,以确定蒸汽是否对焦化有化学影响。反应是在15 mL微型高压釜反应器和3英寸直径的流化床焦化中试装置上进行的,反应的反应强度范围为350--530℃,反应时间为10--60分钟。通过比较产物的元素组成和焦炭收率来研究蒸汽,蒸汽的存在降低了焦炭收率和硫去除率,降低了液体产物的W / C比,并测试了从蒸汽到热裂化沥青分子的氢交换用氘化氢(D_2O)掺杂水,并通过NMR和稳定同位素质谱法分别分析液体和焦炭产物,观察到苄基碳原子优先氘化,并且随着反应严重程度的增加,氘向液体和焦炭中的氘转移趋势增加。讨论了可以解释这些实验结果的自由基,离子和物理机制。



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