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Why learning matters


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We hear a great deal these days that there are no jobs for life, that people can't expect to remain with the same employer for a lifetime as they were said to do in the past. In fact, there is an element of myth about this. Statistics show that the length of time the typical individual stays in a job is around 15 years, not very different from what it was 20 years ago. Even if this suggests that the day when the P45 comes is likely to be later rather than sooner, if at all, we all still need to develop new skills and to keep on learning. Readers of this magazine are unlikely to be unqualified, but consider these facts. You are much more likely to be unemployed if you have no qualifications. Over a quarter of jobless people under 25 have no qualifications. The more qualifications you have, the less likely you are to be unemployed.
机译:这些天,我们听到很多事情,说终生没有工作,人们不能指望一生都像过去那样一直待在同一雇主身上。实际上,这有一个神话。统计数据显示,典型个人的工作时间约为15年,与20年前相比并没有太大差异。即使这表明P45出现的日期可能会晚些而不是早些,如果有的话,我们大家仍然需要发展新技能并继续学习。该杂志的读者不太可能没有资格,但要考虑这些事实。如果您没有资格,您很有可能失业。 25岁以下的失业者中有超过四分之一没有资格。您拥有的资格越多,失业的可能性就越小。



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