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Nondestructive Internal Defect Detection Using Photoacoustic and Self-Coupling Effect


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The demand for noncontact and nondestructive internal defect detection is increasing. Using the photoacoustic effect, internal defects can be detected by a low-power semiconductor laser and an ultrasonic sensor. But the sensitivity of ultrasonic sensors is low in detecting photoacoustic signals. Thus, an internal defect detection using the photoacoustic and self-coupling effect of a semiconductor laser has been studied. To generate photoacoustic signals, a semiconductor laser with an output power of 20 mW is focused by a lens and is directed toward the sample at an angle of 45°. To detect the photoacoustic signal by the self-coupled effect, another laser with an output power of 10 mW is directed against the sample at a right angle. Sample defect can be detected by directing these laser beams at the same point on the sample. The self-coupling sensor can detect internal defects with greater sensitivity than an ultrasonic sensor. The edge effect and the frequency characteristic have also been observed. The device proved able to detect a very small defect of 0.07 mm.
机译:对非接触式和非破坏性内部缺陷检测的需求正在增长。利用光声效应,可以通过低功率半导体激光器和超声传感器检测内部缺陷。但是超声波传感器在检测光声信号时灵敏度较低。因此,已经研究了利用半导体激光器的光声和自耦合效应的内部缺陷检测。为了产生光声信号,输出功率为20 mW的半导体激光器由透镜聚焦,并以45°角指向样品。为了通过自耦合效应检测光声信号,将另一个输出功率为10 mW的激光器以直角对准样品。可以通过将这些激光束对准样品的同一点来检测样品缺陷。自耦合传感器可以比超声波传感器更灵敏地检测内部缺陷。还观察到边缘效应和频率特性。该设备证明能够检测到0.07毫米的非常小的缺陷。



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